I understand how we learn, what gets in our way and what’s required to unleash our greatness. And I know it’s entirely possible.

I’m driven by an unwavering belief in every human’s innate greatness.

I understand how we learn, what gets in our way and what’s required to unleash our greatness. And I know it’s entirely possible.

I’m driven by an unwavering belief in every human’s innate greatness.

One thing I know for sure. I’m going to make the rest of my life the best of my life!
And that’s my goal for you, too.

The learning continues. The adventure continues. I’m so excited for what’s ahead. 

In 2022 when my daughter left the nest, I sold my house to travel the world. For over a year I lived as a digital nomad living across the US and Europe, hiking, practicing yoga, writing, exploring new cultures and connecting with friends…new and old. Wandering and wondering what else is possible? It’s been one of the biggest adventures of my life. And I’m not done yet.


I’ve made some pretty non traditional career choices. I left a successful career in advertising to start fresh on the west coast. Others thought I was nuts.I left a successful career in retail management because career growth was limited. Others thought I should stick it out. I went back to school to feed my curiosity. Others saw me light up and started to catch on. 

When I finally landed in learning and development the opportunities for growth and advancement started coming and they kept coming. I’ve made significant contributions doing work that’s fueled me. It’s been a deeply rewarding journey. 

I’ve made choices that made sense to me, regardless of what others thought. There was something clear inside me telling me something was missing and I didn’t want to settle. I’m proud of the risks I’ve taken. And grateful. The payoff has been humongous!


I’ve held multiple HR leadership roles, am a certified executive/life coach, trainer and management consultant. But the role I’m most proud of is Mom. My daughter has been the best teacher I’ve ever had, by miles. Blue Compass Life is born from decades of wide-ranging investigation, experimentation and wholehearted learning.


Following my curiosity led me to my Master of Science in Training and Development which basically means… I learned the science of how adults learn. I was completely hooked! This started me on my incredible path of discovery. My integrated holistic approach is informed by a career devoted to leadership and human development.


From early in my career, I’ve been endlessly curious about what was happening around me. How some people performed well and others didn’t. How some seemed so fulfilled and others didn’t. How some consistently exceeded expectations and others struggled to make progress. I needed to figure this out! 


At my core I’m a pragmatic optimist.

My story

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