Make the rest of your life the BEST of your life!

Navigating the
Empty Nest


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free course

Navigating the Empty Nest can be so hard.

We're happy for our kids and excited for all that's ahead for them AND there's often a sense of loss.

Our day-to-day life is so different and our role as a parent is changing. It can be a bewildering adjustment for us parents, emotionally as well as practically.

We might be asking ourselves, what the heck do we do now? The better question is what do we get to do now! 

This FREE course is for anyone navigating this empty nester phase of life.This phase looks different for everyone.

For some it might be a massive adjustment because their days were filled with their kids activities.

For others it might feel more like a low key sense of confusion and uncertainty.

But a few things are the same. It's a big change! And you have a wealth of life experience to inform what this next chapter looks like.

This course meets you wherever you are with compassion and curiosity. It will help you move forward in a way that fills you up! It's easy to get stuck, but life's too dang short to stay there. 

Download the
free course

YOU are the center of the story now... and YOU are the author

  • Three self-paced video modules. Each module is less than 15 minutes and can be paused and revisited at anytime. 
  • Each module comes with a workbook to ensure what you learn is relevant and tangible to your own personal context. 

This FREE Course Includes

To help you make the rest of your life the BEST of your life 

The Goal

Download the
FREE course

Meaningful self-exploration for midlife awakening.
An action plan for forward movement that delights you.
A practical, repeatable process to get you going… and keep you going!

What you'll gain from this course to make it happen


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    About Sharon

    Sharon is an empty nester, life coach and trainer. Her life’s purpose is to help people live their most inspired lives. For the past 25+ years she’s been helping people and organizations thrive, as an HR leader, executive coach, trainer and consultant. She created Blue Compass Life to expand the scope of her work to help more people learn, grow and experience more of what they truly want from life. At her core, Sharon is a pragmatic optimist. She understands how we learn, what gets in our way, and what’s required for us to move forward. She knows personal evolution can be hard—and wildly beautiful. 

    About Sharon

    Sharon is an empty nester, life coach and trainer. Her life’s purpose is to help people live their most inspired lives. For the past 25+ years she’s been helping people and organizations thrive, as an HR leader, executive coach, trainer and consultant. She created Blue Compass Life to expand the scope of her work to help more people learn, grow and experience more of what they truly want from life. At her core, Sharon is a pragmatic optimist. She understands how we learn, what gets in our way, and what’s required for us to move forward. She knows personal evolution can be hard—and wildly beautiful.